Aries, Taurus and Gemini
The first three signs of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. The constellation, Aries, is named after the golden fleece from Greek mythology. The brightest star in Aries is Hamal. The constellation of Taurus is named for the Greek word for "bull"; its brightest star is Aldebaran. Gemini is named after the twin brothers of Helen of Troy, Castor and Pollux, which is also the names of the two brightest stars. All three of these constellations are best seen in winter.
Cancer, Leo, Virgo
These three signs are most visible in spring. The constellation of Cancer is named after a crab destroyed by Hercules. The brightest star in Cancer is Acubens. Leo is named after a lion killed by Hercules as part of the 12 tasks. The brightest star is Regulus. The constellation of Virgo is named for various maidens in Greek mythology. Its brightest star is Spica.
Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations are most visible in the summer. The name of the constellation of Libra means "the balance" or "the scales." Libra's brightest star is Zuben Elgenubi. Scorpio is one of the oldest constellations, named after the scorpion sent to kill Orion. Its brightest star is Antares, a star that is 230 times bigger than the sun. Also among the oldest constellations is Sagittarius, or "the Archer." Its brightest star is Rukbat.
Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
The last three constellations are most visible in autumn. They are Capricorn, or "the sea-goat," whose brightest star is Prima Giedi. After that is Aquarius, or "the water bearer." The brightest star in the constellation of Aquarius is Sadalmelik. The final constellation of the zodiac is Pisces, or "the fish." The brightest star in the constellation of Pisces is Al Rischa.