Birch (Dec. 7-Jan. 3)
Being the first tree to grow leaves after winter, the birch represents renewal and rebirth. Birch people are good organizers, patient and persistent, not easily deterred by setbacks, and loyal but reserved with affection. They have high ideals and aspirations, and become depressed when aimless. Their spirit animal is the white stag.
Rowan (Jan. 4-Jan. 31)
Idealistic and progressive, people born under the sign of the rowan tree thrive on change. They can become detached and aloof when bored -- without an outlet, they can even be restless and quarrelsome. Their spirit animal is the dragon.
Ash (Feb. 1-Feb. 28)
The ash tree is prone to being struck by lightning -- thus, ash people are bright, quick-witted, gregarious and spontaneous. They must focus their energies lest they become irritable. Their spirit animal is the adder.
Alder (March 1-March 28)
Alder wood resists rot when wet. Self-reliant, courageous and energetic, alder people are tenacious workers who are well-served by a mastery of the art of diplomacy. Their charm and affectionate nature bring out the loyalty in other people. Their spirit animal is the fox.
Willow (March 29-April 25) and Hawthorn (April 26-May 23)
In Celtic mythology, the world was hatched from eggs hidden amongst willow branches. Willow people are articulate, resourceful and enigmatic, but they are also prone to moodiness and indecision. Their spirit animal is the hare.
Hawthorn people exude natural charm, which makes them gifted performers. They are innovative, creative and mercurial, though they are also prone to boredom and impatience. Their spirit animal is the owl.
Oak (May 24-June 20) and Holly (June 22-July 19)
The druids believed that doors made of oak wood kept evil out of buildings. It stands to reason that oak people are natural leaders, determined and self-motivated. They remain calm and optimistic in crises and must be careful not to become pompous. Their spirit animal is the wren.
Though holly people have excellent business sense, they tend to be happier in assistant roles rather than leading ones. They are practical, capable and supportive. Their spirit animal is the unicorn.
Hazel (July 20-Aug. 16)
The druids believed that eating the nuts of the hazel tree would provide a person with magical skills and knowledge. Hazel people are imaginative, radical thinkers with lively and analytical minds. They tend to make good, inspiring teachers. Without an outlet, hazel people tend to become morbid and depressed. Their spirit animal is the salmon.
Vine (Aug. 17-Sept. 13) and Ivy (Sept. 14-Oct. 11)
Though vine people make an effort to appear detached, they are secretly romantics. They are discriminating and authoritative but have a tendency to procrastinate and become overly self-critical. Their spirit animal is the swan.
The druids considered ivy a portent of both death and spiritual growth, so it makes sense that ivy people are indecisive. However, they are strong-willed, sociable and good-natured. They must be careful not to get too caught up in other people's problems. Their spirit animal is the butterfly.
Reed (Oct. 12-Nov. 8)
Reeds were used as pens in the days of the druids, and reed people have great strength of character and innately believe in their own destiny. Much like the root system of the reed, reed people are complex. They will become self-destructive without a sense of purpose. Their spirit animal is the dog.
Elder (Nov. 9-Dec. 6)
Elder people dislike routine, but have a tendency to become reckless and confused when change in their lives is not harnessed into positivity. They are restless when not consistently confronted with challenges. Their spirit animal is the raven.