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What Are Alignment Stars?

Planets and large asteroids occasionally transit into configurations that are seen from the earth as a visual alignment. The planets of our solar system, which some followers of the astronomical happenings lump under the heading "stars" with all of the other of the sky's heavenly bodies, all move at their own rate. The fixed stars stay in their positions.
  1. Stars' Alignment with Stars

    • With the exception of our own star, the sun, stars, which are burning balls of mostly-hydrogen gas, are so far away from our solar system that even though they may move slightly over thousands of years, we perceive them as fixed in the sky. Star alignments appear in constellations, such as the stars Dubhe, Merak, Phachd, and Megrez of the constellation Ursa Major.

    Moon's Alignment with the Sun

    • The Moon travels throughout the entire zodiac every 28.5 days. Once a month, when the earth lines up between the sun and moon, the sun's light is blocked from the moon, and it is called a New Moon. Astrologically, the effects of a new moon are significant because it is thought that projects that begin at that time get off to a better start. According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, seeds planted while the moon is new are more likely to flourish.

    Moon's Alignment with the Sun and other Heavenly Bodies

    • Every month the moon passes by each of the planets in the zodiac. As it gets very close, its brilliance drowns out the light of the planet (which, in both cases, is the reflected light of the sun). As the moon moves away from the conjunction, the planet becomes easier to see.

    Planetary Alignments

    • Every few years some of the planets transit into constellations of the stars and travel through them. Mercury, which takes the least amount of time to orbit the sun, spends about a month each year in each zodiac sign, while Jupiter spends about a year in each sign. In May of 2006, the moon, Mars and Saturn were in alignment with a nebula in the constellations Gemini and Cancer. In December of 1990, Mercury, in the latest degrees of Sagittarius aligned with the sun, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, all in Capricorn.

    Mercury, Venus and the Sun

    • Mercury is never more than one zodiac sign away from the sun, and Venus is never more than two. Depending on what time of year it is, and where the three are in reference to each other and other planets, Mercury and Venus can be seen as in alignment with the sun, either just before dawn or just after, but not while the sun is above the horizon, because its brightness drowns out the planets.

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