One of the older forms of fortune telling is the reading of the tarot cards. The project of learning to do readings should initially involve another person, because traditionally new readers should not buy their own decks, but should be given them by other people. Directing the giver to the desired deck is okay, though, because there are many different ones from which to choose. Look at the pictures in as many decks as you can find and select the one that appeals to you the most. Learn the meanings of the cards, and then learn spreads to do the readings. The most common is the Celtic cross, a layout that shows goals and past, present and future influences of a situation.
The casting of an astrology chart and its subsequent delineation is a cumbersome project for someone who has little knowledge of it. However, there are many astrology companies that will cast the chart for you. Once you get it, your project can be first to learn what the symbols on the chart mean, which will be, at a minimum, the zodiac signs, sun and moon. Learn the meanings of the 12 houses, and the influences of each sign and planet to analyze the chart. The easiest to learn are the signs of the sun and moon.
Tea Leaf
Tea leaf reading is a small project that requires the setting up of the tearoom, the brewing of the tea, and learning how to read the leaves. Choose the tea with a color that is in contrast to the inside of your cup. Sit quietly, sipping the tea, avoiding drinking any of the loose leaves. If reading for a friend, do not converse or allow any noises to infiltrate the room, because the person who is being read for should be in a meditative state. Swirl the last drop of tea in the cup and dump it out. Translate the images that the leaves present on the sides and bottom of the cup.
Fortuneteller Origami
The fortuneteller toy is one that is easy to make and entertaining to use. The project involves learning how to fold the paper so that you can maneuver it correctly and labeling of the sections. Usually the outer sides have colors written on them that the person who is being read for chooses. The next layer inside has numbers, and the inner flaps have a fortune.