Things You'll Need
Look east at night. For the majority of 2011, Earth will be between Saturn and the sun, and as the sun sets in the west, Saturn will appear to rise in the east. Because of this, Saturn, which will appear to be near the star Spica for most of the year, will glow much more brightly than usual.
Pick Saturn out of the night sky. For the duration of 2011, because of its proximity to Spica, "Saturn and Spica will be in the east after sunset," according to EarthSky. Saturn will be positioned higher in the sky than Spica and will shine more brightly.
Now that you have located the great ringed planet, use a telescope to get a closer look. If you don't have one and can't afford to purchase one, check with your local high school or college to see if they have an astronomy club from which you can borrow a telescope.