Things You'll Need
Find the coordinates of your birth place. For the most accurate reading, some astrologers require the latitude and longitude of your birthplace; others just require the name of the city, or nearest large city to you. You can get the latitude and longitude of a place by address using the iTouchMap Internet application in the Resources section.
Determine the exact time of your birth. Talk to your parents, if they are available, as they may remember the exact time of your birth. In a few cases, the hospital recorded the time on your birth certificate; however, this is not always accurate, as the time recorded can be when the nurse first started the birth records process and not the actual time of birth.
Look up the rising sign in an ephemeris. An ephemeris is a table, chart or almanac of the movements of the stars and planets in relation to the earth, based on your latitude and longitude. Ephemerae are available in print, and also on the Internet.
Use an online program to determine your ascendant sign. Numerous calculators are available online, in which you input the location, date and time of your birth to determine your ascendant sign. These calculators generally give you a result within a few seconds.