Get the full birth data for you and your partner. This includes time and location of birth, and will help you get the most information from the compatibility report.
Download AstroWin or Astro123 from the AstroWin website (see Resources). These programs do all the calculations for you and have built-in text reports that interpret your charts. Install the program, enter your and your partner's full birth data, and view the reports.
Create a free account at (see Resources). Click on "Free Horoscopes" and go to "Interactive Horoscopes." Select either "AstroClick Partner" or "AstroClick Love" for an analysis of your love matches and capabilities. World of Wisdom is another site that offers free horoscopes and downloads.
Become a member of an active astrology forum on the Internet, such as Learn about "synastry," or chart comparison, and "composite charts," or merging of two charts into one. After participating and contributing to the discussions for some time, you can ask for a compatibility reading. A good astrologer -- even one who isn't a professional -- can give you more insight than a computerized reading.
When reading the astrology program's compatibility report, understand that it is computer-generated. Each factor in the compatibility report is analyzed independently of the others, rather than being synthesized with them. So expect contradictions.