New Moon
The beginning phase of the moon cycle is the new moon. In this phase, the Earth, moon and sun are all in alignment and the moon appears completely dark.
Waxing and Waning Crescent
The waxing crescent is present when a majority of the moon is lit with a crescent shape forming the dark portion. The waning crescent occurs when the crescent shape is light and the majority of the moon is dark.
Waxing and Waning Gibbous
The waxing gibbous phase occurs as the moon nears the full moon status and a majority of the moon is sunlit. In the waning gibbous phase, the sunlit portion begins to decrease.
Half Moon
The first- and third-quarters, known as the half moon phase, occurs when the moon is at a 90-degree angle to the earth and half the moon is in darkness.
Full Moon
Like the new moon, the full moon phase has the sun, moon, and Earth all in alignment. Because the moon is now on the opposite side of Earth, the moon appears completely bright.