Things You'll Need
Get out your supplies. You'll need a piece of paper, a pencil, a list of the zodiac signs, the person's birthday, an ascendant table, and a book that interprets planets, signs and houses. Most astrology books contain both if you look for one with chart interpretations.
Draw a large circle in the center of your paper. Make six lines within the circle that evenly distribute it into 12 pie pieces. Label each one with a sign of the zodiac (Gemini, Capricorn, Pisces) starting anywhere and then labeling them in order after that.
Mark each sign with 30 small lines to divide it into 30 degrees on each. Look up your subject's ascendant sign using her birth information. This gives you the location of planets and stars at that point in time. Mark the small line within the sign which is the degree listed moving counterclockwise (so if the chart says 10 degrees, mark the tenth line).
Indicate the position of the planets, sun and moon at the birth date and location and mark them in the circle as well. Use the same process as you marked the zodiac sign.
Look up the 12 houses which represent the different aspects of the subject's life--family, money and personality to name a few--and draw them into each pie piece of the circle. The easiest method to do this is to put the first one into the pie piece with the ascendant mark and continue counterclockwise again.
Use your book to translate what the chart now means. You can make general comments on that person's behavior and personality traits.