Things You'll Need
Notice those around you who seem to possess a need for control in all aspects of their lives.
Pay attention to practical, serious, methodical people. Capricorns often choose the slow, steady path to greatness over the high-risk alternative.
Check out hard workers with a voracious appetite for earned success.
Watch for people with an insatiable lust for power. At their worst, Capricorns will stop at nothing to possess, rule and master every situation and everyone around them.
Look for those with a keen sense of humor, and the ability to laugh in almost any circumstance.
Ask yourself if a suspected Capricorn enjoys riches and material goods more than the average Joe. If so, there is a good chance that he or she is exactly what you suspect.
Focus on those around you who consistently exhibit a streak of good luck. Capricorns seem to find themselves stumbling upon good fortune around every corner.