Foam Balls
A straightforward planet model can be crafted from foam balls. Paint different sized balls to look like the sun and planets in the solar system. Once they are dry, they can be suspended with wire in front of a black backdrop to represent space. If you are using balls that are smaller than 4 inches, they can be hung inside a large cardboard box as a diorama. Paint the inside of the box with black spray paint.
Scaled Model
Create a scaled model of the planets in the solar system by calculating the scaled down distances. In order to accomplish this, the planets must be very small. Peppercorns, coins and pebbles can be used to represent different planets and glue them onto a large pieces of butcher paper for the project. To calculate the exact scaled down distances, use websites, such as The Exploratorium and University of Georgia's The Department of Mathematics Education.
Paper Mobile
The planets can also be crafted into a paper mobile where all the planets and the sun are cut out of cardboard. Cut out a cardboard circle that is 12 inches across, and use a compass to draw nine orbits. The first four should be close to the sun, and then create an asteroid belt gap. Place the five other orbits beyond the gap. Punch out holes for the string of the planets with a nail. Use oak tag to cut out the sun, which should be the largest. Then form Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune slightly smaller than the sun. The rest of the planets should be even smaller. Tape string to each planet and string them to the appropriate orbits.
Single Planet
If you need a detailed model of a single planet, create one from colored play dough. Make your own homemade play dough from flour, salt, water and food coloring to achieve exact custom colors. Pay attention to all the details of your planet and add the appropriate characteristics onto your play dough planet. For example, if you are constructing Jupiter, you must add its red eye and all the dark swirls of gas. Place your dried model on a stand to finish.