Double-click on the "Sky Guide" icon on your desktop and allow the program to load. A message will appear with a few warnings about the movement of the telescope and ask you if you want to enter "Land Mode," which allows you to search for items on the ground. Select "No."
Wait for "StartUp" mode to begin. You will see a screen showing you information about your telescope and the SkyGuide program. Click on the "Celestial" menu option, which is located under the "Modes" section located in the middle of the control panel. This will bring up "Celestial" mode where you can control your telescope.
Click on the "Controls" window to gain manual control over the telescope. Click on one of the "Left," "Right," "Up" or "Down" buttons to move the telescope in the direction you want. Alternatively, press the "L," "R," "U" and "D" buttons on the keyboard to move the telescope. Click on the "Focus" option to focus the telescope between movements.
Click on the "Go To" window to automatically move the telescope in the direction of your choice. Click in the "Coordinates" box and enter in coordinates you want the telescope to move to. Or click on the "Object Database" option to choose a saved object, such as a planet, and the telescope will zero in on that object.