While there are 90 stars that make up Libra, the main stars are Beta Librae or Zubeneschamali, Alpha Librae or Zubenelgenubi, Zubenhakrabi, Librae, Brachium and Mulu-lizi. The four brightest stars form a four-sided shape or quadrangle whereas the three brightest stars form a triangle. Though they can be hard to see without a telescope, the stars of Libra are most easily viewed during summer. Zubeneschamali is one of the only stars found as yet that appears green to the human eye.
Planetary Attributes
Found within the constellation of Libra is Gliese 581, a small dwarf star belonging to a planetary system consisting of four planets. Discovered in 2007, Gliese 581 is also the name of one of the planets orbiting this star. The planet Gliese 581 has a temperature range of 32 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit making it habitable if it contains water. Gliese 581 is of great interest to astronomers because it could possibly prove that life exists outside of our solar system.
Positioning and Distance
The constellation of Libra is found in the sky west of Virgo and east of Scorpio. From the mid-Northern Hemisphere it is located near the horizon, although it is also visible from the Southern Hemisphere. The distance of Libra's stars from Earth varies. For example, Zubenelgenubi is 77 light-years away, while Zubeneschamali is over twice that distance from Earth.
Zodiac Aspects
The Libra sign is represented by two scales, symbolizing balance. It is the only constellation not representative of some kind of creature. However, at one time it was viewed as a claw rather than a set of scales. People born on or between September 22nd and October 23rd, when the sun is in Libra, are said to be ruled by this sign and are believed to have a pleasant persona and charming qualities. Due to its Sun time, Libra lands in the seventh position of the zodiac.