Things You'll Need
Search for the Taurus constellation during the winter months. December and January are ideal for viewing Taurus in the Northern Hemisphere, but it can also be seen in late autumn (September or October) and early spring (March).
Locate constellations and specific stars using a sky map to help you find the stars of Taurus. Find Orion, a bright constellation that lies in the southeast and shares stars with Taurus. Find the very bright Betelgeuse star, which makes up the armpit of Taurus.
Find Aldebaran, the brightest star of the Taurus constellation. Aldebaran makes up the eye of Taurus the bull. Find the Hyades cluster of stars, which makes up the edge of Taurus' face. Find Beta Tauri and Zeta, two star systems that make up the horns on the western side of the constellation