Calculate the hour angle (H) using this formula: H = 15 degrees x (time - 12). Time equals the hour of day from midnight -- for example, noon equals 12 and 4 p.m. equals 16.
Calculate the zenith angle (Z) using this formula: Z = cos-1 (sinXsinY + cosXcosYcosH). Zenith angle is the angle from the point directly overhead to the point of the sun's position in the sky. In this equation, X is latitude, Y is the solar declination angle and H is the hour angle -- solar declination angle is the angle between a plane perpendicular to incoming solar radiation and the earth's rotational axis. The solar declination angle varies from +23.5 degrees on summer solstice to -23.5 degrees on winter solstice. The solar declination angle is 0 degrees on the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox.
Calculate solar insolation (I) using this formula: I = ScosZ. S is the solar constant -- roughly 1000 W/m2 depending on the angle and weather conditions. Z is the zenith angle from the equation in step 2.