Things You'll Need
Observe the phase of the moon. Notice that the moon is full when it is opposite the sun in the sky, and new when conjunct it. Since Venus never goes far from the sun, the full moon may be a good time to view it, because the reflection from the moon will not be lighting up the sky, drowning out the brightness of the stars and planets. Note that in November, at the time of the full moon, the sun is in Scorpio, and the moon is in Taurus. (There also may be a full moon late in the month with the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini.)
Look to the west an hour or so (depending on the year) after the sun sets, and find the golden orb that is Venus, which, other than the moon and sun, is the brightest object in the sky.
Look for Saturn to be near the sun, too, as it will be transiting the signs Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius until the year 2018, as it spends a little over two years in each sign of the zodiac. The sun transits Scorpio and Sagittarius every November, so while Saturn is in the same sign as the sun, it will be a challenge to see it. In the Novembers between 2011 and 2014, Saturn will be more visible in late November. Look for it just before daybreak near the eastern horizon. But, after 2015 it will be easier to find it in the beginning of the month. Look for Saturn near the western horizon just after the sun goes down. It is not as easy to see as Venus, but can nonetheless may be seen with the naked eye.
Use a small telescope, and you may be able to see Saturn's rings and possibly any of its 30 moons, especially titan, the largest of its moons.