The most famous constellations to be viewed in the Northern Hemisphere's spring night sky include Cancer (also known as the Crab), Centaurus (which honors the centaur leader of lore Chiron), Hydra, Leo and Virgo. Antlia, Canes Venatici, Coma Berinices Corvus and Crater can also be seen during springtime in the Northern Hemisphere. Other constellations easily seen during this time of year include Leo Minor, Lupus, Lynx and Pyxis and Sextans.
Summer skies in the Northern Hemisphere allow for the viewing of famous constellations Capricornus, Hercules, Libra, Scorpius and Sagittarius. Aquila, Ara, Cygnus, Delphinius and Indus can be seen during summer in the Northern Hemisphere, as can Delphinus, Equuleus, Microscopium, Ophiuchus, Scutum, Serpens, Sagitta, Vulpecula and Coronas Australis and Borealis.
The Northern Hemisphere's autumn sky is filled with famous constellations such as Andromeda, also known as the Chained Lady, Aquarius the "Water Bearer," Aries, Pegasus and Pieces. Other constellations that are visible in the Northern Hemisphere during this time of year include Cetus, Grus, Lacerta Perseus and Phoenix, as well as The Sculptor and Triangulum.
The winter sky of the Northern Hemisphere is home to three of the most famous constellations: Orion the Hunter, Gemini (The Twins) and Taurus the Bull. Other constellations that can be readily seen in the Northern Hemisphere during winter include Auriga, Caelum, Crina, Columbo and Canis Major and Minor. Eradinus, Fornax, Lepus, Pictor, Puppis and Vela can also be seen.