Choose the best time to view Saturn. The best times to view Saturn change each year. One way to find this time is to consult an online planet- or star-gazing calendar, such as the ones found at Scope City and
Find an unobstructed location from which to do your planet-gazing. A hill or a high-rise apartment are perfect. You may attempt to locate Saturn either from your window or outside.
Prepare your equipment, if you are using any. Binoculars will help you find Saturn, and a telescope is better still. Set up your equipment well ahead of time so that you'll be ready to locate the planet when the time comes.
Find a constellation map, and choose your viewing time from the list of dates found on the chart.
Locate the constellation that will be nearest Saturn on the date that you will be searching for the planet. Once you have found that as a reference point, you are ready to look for Saturn.
Look up at the sky, either with your naked eye, binoculars or telescope. Find the constellation that you are using as a reference point, then relative to it, locate Saturn, which will be bright and yellowish.