Things You'll Need
Obtain a star chart for your location and season. Charts can be obtained online through educational websites. The PBS website offers printable star charts that you may customize.
Go to a location that is unobstructed by large trees, buildings and bright lights, such as a field outside of town.
Wait for about 20 minutes for your vision to adjust to the dark.
Face south. Hold your star chart so that the end labeled "south" is pointing downward or towards you.
Examine the star chart using a flashlight with a weak beam so that it will not interfere as much with your night vision. Select a cluster of bright stars to search for. Star charts depict brightness by size; the brighter the star, the larger the spot it occupies on the chart, according to McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Make a note of the general shape of the constellation. For example, Orion has an approximate "H" shape and Taurus is similar to a "V."
Scan the night sky without your binoculars to locate your chosen constellation. When you have found it, hold your binoculars to your eyes to examine it more closely. Adjust the focus on the binoculars, if needed. Repeat this for the other stars on your chart.