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How to Learn Astronomy Online

Astronomy can be researched on the Internet. A variety of websites from NASA and ESA to blogs, online news websites and even Twitter provide images, recent breakthroughs and the science of astronomy. Knowing how to search for astronomy articles and introductory material helps in your quest to know about the things which happen to and outside Earth as a result of "astronomical forces."


    • 1
      If you do not own a telescope you can see telscope images on the NASA website.

      Log on to the NASA website. NASA is a comprehensive site appealing to all ages and abilities, from amateur to professional, to learn about astronomy online. On the NASA website you will learn about recent news regarding astronomy, virtually explore the international space station and see detailed images from space telescopes, such as Hubble and Kepler. You will also learn about planets, stars, space clouds and galaxies.

    • 2
      Type "astronomy" and "blog" into Google for a list of astronomy blogs.

      Learn about astronomy online by reading personal blogs. Astronomy blogs offer a diverse setting for learning about astronomy because they are usually written for (and by) students and amateurs interested in the subject. Blogs will ask some of the big questions about astronomy like "what is a black hole?" You can tell a good astronomy blog by how often it is updated and whether you understand what it is being described.

    • 3
      Search for keyword "astronomy" on major news websites.

      Log in to a news website to read about the latest discoveries. News sites, such as CNN or BBC, provide a search bar and results will be written in a language that students and amateurs can understand. Astronomy is a well-covered subject in the news, so you should get plenty of information.

    • 4
      Famous astronomers, such as Stephen Hawking, post on Twitter.

      Go to Twitter and follow people who write about astronomy on their status updates. Twitter is the largest blogging site where you can follow as many people as you like. Follow at least ten people who write about astronomy everyday and you will learn facts each time you log in to Twitter.

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