Cyberchase is an interactive online game at, which allows kids to play with a simulated telescope, allowing them to pick out planets and stars from the universe. Players must type in the coordinates that must end with a zero or a five into the angle field at the bottom of the game screen and hit the Point Telescope button. The telescope will move and the screen will reveal if you found any planets. This teaches kids and adults alike what it takes to find new objects in a vast planet and how they are recorded when these planets or stars are found. This game is incredibly easy to play for all ages.
Coordinate Quiz
There are a number of websites that give exact coordinates of where constellations, stars or planets are in the night sky and with this information, an informed guessing game can be created. Pick out a constellation and give the coordinates in latitude and longitude for most of the points of the constellation. Leave a few out and then have students or friends try to guess what the coordinates are, based on the other coordinates and the distances between them. This will teach people to learn the night sky by latitude and longitudinal coordinates, as well as learn where constellations are located at what times of the year. Whoever is the closest or exact with their educated guesses of these left out stars wins the game.
Sky Map
Google has created, among other things, a tool that can be downloaded to your cell phone and then pointed at the sky to mirror what constellations are above you every time the sun sets. Despite being an amazing piece of technology and educational tool, it can also be turned into an incredibly fun game. Students or friends with the cell phone application (it's free to download) are told the name of a constellation in the night sky and on the count of three, must find it first. This will lead to a number of people pointing their cell phones up at the sky and looking for the named constellation, as they are labeled on the application. First one to find it gets a point and the first to a certain number of points wins.