Things You'll Need
Set your scale. If your sun is 8 inches in diameter, for example, the earth will be .07 inches in diameter.
Do the math. Use a calculator to figure how large each of your planets will be, and how far apart they'll be from one another. For the non-mathematically inclined, Exploratorium has an online calculator (see Resources) to help.
Make a table of your measurements. Write your distance and size calculations on a handmade chart on computer-generated database. This way, you'll have one easy reference for your solar system.
Find your objects. The size of your objects will depend upon the scale you've chosen. If you're using the 1 to 1 billion scale, your sun will be around the size of a fridge without a freezer, and earth will be about the size of a basketball. If your sun is a basketball, Mercury will be a pinhead and the earth a peppercorn.
Find an open space. Even if your sun in an inch in diameter, Pluto is going to be 354 feet away---that's more than the length of a football field.
With your tape measure, space out your scale model of the solar system and lay down your planets. Remember that each planet has its unique orbit; everything need not line up perfectly.Tie colored ribbon to your smaller planets. A pinhead gets lost quickly in a 100-yard field.