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Cool Astronomy Games

The mind is deep and far-reaching, in many ways as limitless as the universe. Focusing the mind on the vast cosmos brings the two frontiers together, expanding the mind to seek and comprehend the mysteries of space. Children, youth and adults can experience this exciting mental exploration, as they participate in cool astronomy games that fuel this interest.
  1. Simple Space Orientation

    • You can teach the order of the planets with a simple astronomy game.

      As a simple quiz and drill for teaching the order of the planets in relation to distance from the sun, one person randomly says a planet, such as "Mars," and another person must quickly state the two planets that bracket Mars, with the answer being "Earth and Jupiter." This game works the memory into mentally "seeing" the planets at a deeper level. The more it is played, the better the planets are remembered, providing deeper neural recording rather than just simply memorizing the planets in a single line.

      If someone says, "Mercury," the answer is: "Sun and Venus." If someone says, "Pluto," the answer is: "Neptune and space."

    Finding and Learning Constellations

    • Taurus is an easily found constellation.

      With a simple star map that provides the locations of the constellations during the days of the year, find a dark location away from city lights. Using a small flashlight and a compass, consult the star map and orient the group in the proper direction. Choose a constellation and memorize its key star placements. Have everyone close his eyes and extinguish all light sources. After a few seconds, everyone should open his eyes and seek out the constellation. When the constellation is found, ensure that everyone recognizes the star placements.

      Consult a pre-printed crib sheet on constellations or a star guidebook, and read aloud the history of the "picture" that has traditionally been "painted in the stars." Find and name the individual stars in the constellation. Everyone should attempt to visualize the picture that must be mentally projected into the sky. Consult the guidebook again and provide a glimpse of various artist conceptions of the constellation.

      Find several constellations in this method, frequently reviewing each constellation's placement in regard to the location of other constellations.

    Space Exploration Visualization

    • Everyone enjoys thinking about space travel.

      People love storytelling. They love using their imagination, regardless of age. Take a storytelling space ride by having a good storyteller provide the spaceship and fuel. After familiarizing with the various planets--general descriptions, properties, possible scenarios--the storyteller will lead the group in visualizing traveling through the solar system, visiting each planet, describing the gravitational pull of each planet, near misses with passing meteors, traveling close to a comet and perhaps going into a deep sleep to reach a far-off star beyond the solar system.

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