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Macaroni Penguins Life Cycle

There are more macaroni penguins than any other type, with the International Penguins Conservation Work Group estimating there are nine million breeding pairs and the Antarctic Connection website stating there could be as many as 12 million.
  1. Two Eggs

    • Macaroni penguins breed during the Antarctic summer and the female lays two eggs; the first is significantly smaller than the second is and normally does not hatch, as it often becomes lost, breaks or the female actually kicks it from the nesting site to devote time to the bigger egg.

    New Chick

    • The male and female will combine to hatch the second egg, taking between four and five weeks to accomplish this task. The female will constantly return and feed the chick regurgitated fish, krill and squid for the first month of its life while the male guards it from danger.

    Going Solo

    • All the new chicks will huddle together for both protection and warmth after the first month as the parents hunt for food. In 10 weeks, the chick has developed its adult waterproof feathers and it is big enough to survive on its own.

    Breeding Age

    • Female macaroni penguins typically will breed when they turn five years old, but the males will normally be six before they breed.

    Fun Fact

    • The macaroni penguin got its name in an unusual manner, as the colored plumes on its head reminded the English explorers who first saw them of the feathers worn in hats of that era, known as macaronis.

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