Circumpolar means that area of the sky that lies near the Polaris, the North Star. The constellations in this region never "set" when viewed from the northern hemisphere.
That point in the sky directly over the Earth's north pole contains a star called Polaris, known for centuries as the "North Star." Because of its position in the sky, Polaris does not seem to move to an observer on Earth and Ursa Major seems to revolve around this area like the hands of a clock as the Earth rotates.
The Big Dipper resembles a giant ladle, composed of seven stars that form a handle and a bowl. It is an "asterism", a familiar group of stars forming a pattern but not considered an official constellation.
To find Ursa Major a person needs simply to look to the north and locate the Big Dipper. It may be upside down, right side up, or in between, depending on the season and time of night.
Great Bear
Ursa Major represented a large bear to the ancients that named it. In addition to the stars of the Dipper, it has many others that form its legs, body and head; they are difficult to see unless it is moonless and clear.