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What Constellation Contains the Big Dipper?

The Big Dipper is what astronomers call an asterism---a group of stars within a constellation, or within a number of constellations, that form a recognizable pattern. While many people think the Big Dipper is its own constellation, it is actually a part of Ursa Major.
  1. The Great Bear

    • The Big Dipper consists of seven bright stars that together form what looks like a giant ladle in the sky. The bowl of the ladle is also the body of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, while the handle is the bear's long tail.

    Double Star

    • Much fainter stars fan out from the Big Dipper and form the legs and head of the bear, making Ursa Major the third-largest constellation in the night sky. The second star in the handle of the dipper, Mizar, is actually a double star system, visible to the keen-eyed observer on a clear night as two stars.

    North Star

    • By following an imaginary line upward through the two stars on what would be the "pouring edge" of the dipper, an observer comes to Polaris---the North Star---in Ursa Minor, or the Little Bear.


    • Arcturus, a very bright star in Bootes the Herdsman, is along the path of an imaginary line traced out from the arc of the handle of the dipper away from the bowl.


    • In Greek mythology, Ursa Major and Minor were a mother and son that the gods changed into bears and placed in the sky near each other.

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