Visit Lunar Registry and read the homepage to learn what you get when you purchase an acre of the moon. (Follow the link in Resources.)
Read up on the Kennedy 2 Lunar Exploration Project by following the link in Resources . Also research the Lunar Republic Society ,to see what the purchase of your lunar acre entails.
Click the link that says "Click here to order now!" or "Buy an Acre on the Moon" to proceed in your purchase of a lunar acre. A new page will come up explaining more about your purchase.
Select a spot on the moon where you want your acre to be located. The prices vary, depending on the location. Check out the specials as well. They are usually highlighted in green directly under the name of the region of the moon you are investing in.
Fill in the necessary information, including your name (or the name of the person you are buying an acre for if the purchase is a gift). You can also buy a moon atlas that will show your property in greater detail than the picture that accompanies your package. You can also add a star in the Corvus constellation to your package. None of the information you enter is shared with or sold to any other party. Click the "Continue" button at the bottom of the page once you've entered your information.
Fill in all of the required information on the payment page. Click "Continue" when you're finished. On the page that pops up, you can choose to pay for your acre(s) with a credit card or through PayPal. Make your selection and click "Continue." Enter the required information on the next page and click "Order Now." You will soon receive documents stating that you own an acre (or acres) of whatever part of the moon you selected. Take care of these documents, as you may need them if you ever make it to the moon to visit your property.