Things You'll Need
Examine the star map and find the portion of the sky you will be scanning. The Serpent is visible by everyone on the planet, except for anyone living at the Poles. The constellation of Ophiuchus splits the Serpent in half, the head to the right and the tail to the left. The head stretches out towards the Corona Borealis. A triangle of stars marks the head.
Step outside and locate the Little Dipper. Use the pointer stars from the cup of the dipper to direct you across the sky to Hercules. Just below Hercules is the constellation Ophiuchus. To either side of this constellation, you'll see the head and tail of the Serpent. To the right side, you'll find the Corona Borealis. Just below that is the triangle of stars that form the head of the Serpent. Stretching from the bottom of Ophiuchus upwards towards Aquilla are four stars in a roughly straight line that represents the tail of the Serpent.
Use your binoculars to get a better view of this constellation as it is fairly dim in the sky. Many globular clusters are within the region of space containing Ophiuchus and the Serpent.