Look straight up into the night sky at specific times. Highest point overhead occurs in September around 4 a.m., November at midnight and around 8 p.m. in January. Adjust according to these times. Before the exact time look eastward and look westward afterwards.
Observe a tiny cluster of stars that resemeble a little dipper. The corner star form a cup and an outward star forms the handle.
Locate the constellation Orion. Notice three bright stars arranged as an imaginary slope. These stars represent Orion's belt.
Draw an imaginary line upwards through Orion's belt until you reach the Seven Sisters. The Pleiades stand out from the surrounding area.
Locate Taurus the Bull, to Orion's left (and your right) and note the large, V-shaped star formation. The Pleiades star cluster lies near Taurus' shoulder, just beyond the V.
Set your telescope to right ascension 3h, 47m and 24 degrees declination for the exact location.