Turn to the phenomena explanation section in the front of the ephemeris. Here you can find all kinds of charts and tables for ephemeris data.
Take a look at the table for moon phases and eclipses. You need this information to read the ephemeris for moon phases.
See the four symbols for moon phases, including a colored circle for the new moon. The first crescent moon symbol represents the first quarter moon. The open circle represents the full moon. The crescent moon symbol facing the opposite direction of the first and reflects the third quarter of the moon.
Turn to any month and any year in the ephemeris. Find these charts on the page.
Read the lunar ephemeris data for the new moon, full moon and all the others. It looks just like the one you already observed.
Match the times and dates, signs and degrees of the signs with the specific day on your calendar. This gives you all you need to know about any moon phase for any month and year.