Know that as with many products, you get what you pay for. Shop around and compare before spending too much to buy a commercial telescope. Learn about various types of telescopes. Visit an observatory near you or check in with a local astronomy club and ask to look through different telescopes.
Find out how much telescopes are from staff members at the observatory or from astronomy club members. Inquire also about the difficulty of set up, operation and maintenance of each type. Ask why owners bought certain types or brands of telescopes. Study the differences between refracting and reflecting telescopes and other types.
Learn the pros and cons. The advantages of refracting telescopes are a clear aperture and more contrast and low maintenance. Note the disadvantages of refractors are a slow cooldown time and chromatic aberration with bright images.
Realize that the type and price of the refractor determines the quality of a refracting telescope. Buy cheaper (2.4-inch) and lose out on optics as well as light-grasp, whereas more expensive (3.5-inch) instruments provide greater optics and improved light-grasp. Pay in the $3,000 and $4,000 range for a 5-inch (127-millimeter) refractor, including mount and accessories (basic).
Find that reflecting telescopes don't have the disadvantage of chromatic aberration. However, they do have a disadvantage, due to their 2-mirror design known as a central obstruction, which causes loss of contrast as well as scattering of light in a viewed image. Some reflector telescopes have coma, which is a defect that makes stars look like they have a tail (like a comet).
Note that Catadioptric telescopes use a combination of refraction and reflection. Pay more for other specially designed telescopes, such as Ritchey-Chrétien. Refrain from buying commercial telescopes promoted by size and magnification, however. Shop with a reputable dealer, take advice from other telescope owners, use common sense and go for quality within a reasonable price range.
Shop online for telescopes via websites like "Sky &Telescope" that list reputable dealers to buy a commercial telescope. Read telescope reviews on "Cloudy Nights Telescope Reviews" before you buy a commercial telescope.