Print a star chart to help you locate the Egyptian North Star. Do a quick Internet search to find a website with free, downloadable star charts.
Locate the Big and Little Dippers. Thuban is located between these two constellations.
Find the second star in the handle of the Big Dipper by counting from the end of the handle and moving inward toward the bowl.
Picture the Little Dipper as if it were right-side up. The handle should curve up and to the left. Find the two stars that form the right-hand side of the bowl.
Draw an imaginary line from the second star in the handle of the Big Dipper to the two stars that form the right-hand side of the bowl in the Little Dipper.
Look at the halfway point along this imaginary line. The star you find there is Thuban, the ancient North Star.
Confirm that you have found the Egyptian North Star by looking for the rest of the constellation Draco. Use your star chart to verify your findings.