Things You'll Need
View Mars at the best time, during opposition. Opposition is the point of Mars' orbit that brings it closest to the Earth. During opposition, the sun is opposite from Mars in the sky. This occurs approximately every two years.
Choose whether or not to use magnifying power. Although Mars can be seen with the naked eye, binoculars and telescopes bring it into much better view and make it possible to see more details. Mars is only twice as big as our moon, but as much as 200 times farther away during opposition.
Look to the east-southeast portion of the sky. Mars is usually low above the horizon. The farther north from the equator, the lower Mars will appear in the sky. Mars is the red planet and will be seen as red when viewed with a telescope. If viewing with the naked eye, it may appear to be a more pale yellow or orange color.
Stay up late. Mars sometimes doesn't rise until late. Do not get frustrated by trying unsuccessfully to view it if it hasn't yet risen.
Try to view Mars often. The eye adjusts to the color, brightness, constant motion and the strain of staring with constant viewing. Try viewing it several times a week, gradually lengthening the amount of observation.
Be patient. The atmosphere of Mars is constantly in motion due to high winds and dust storms, and can sometimes block the view of Mars for days on end. It may take several tries to get a good view of this planet.