Things You'll Need
Paint 13 foam balls the desired color. The balls can be any size; 2 to 4 inch balls work well. Green and black are common caterpillar colors. Paint the balls by sponging the paint onto the balls or by using spray paint. Follow the directions included on the label of the paint.
Create spiracles (how the caterpillar breathes) by setting a black sequin in a slightly larger white sequin. Poke a flat headed pin through the hole in the center of the sequins and insert the tip into the foam ball. Add one spiracle to each side of twelve of the balls.
Create setae (small hairs used to feel) by cutting a thick pipe cleaner into pieces about 1/4 inch long and gluing the ends of the pieces along the top of the each ball. Alternatively, you can brush the top of each ball with a little glue and sprinkle long modeling grass (the kind used for model railroads) onto the glue.
Fold two black pipe cleaners in half. Twist the ends of each pipe cleaner together so you have two shorter, double-layered pipe cleaners. Insert the twists of the pipe cleaners into the bottom of a foam ball to create legs. Bend the legs as desired. Repeat for 12 of the 13 balls.
Poke a flat headed pin through a large sequin. Insert the end of the pin into the foam ball without spiracles or legs (the head) to create an eye. Repeat to create the second eye.
Assemble the caterpillar by inserting one half of a toothpick into a foam ball and the other half into a second ball. Push the balls together. Add a drop of glue if desired. Repeat for each ball (segment) of the caterpillar. Keep the spiracles on the sides of the caterpillar, the legs on the bottom, and the setae on the top.