Hobbies And Interests

Does Vanilla Extract Keep Away Horse Flies?

Horseflies are a painful nuisance to outdoor enthusiasts. With their powerful sting and seemingly endless numbers, it is only logical to stay away from them. This often requires the use of insect repellent. You may have heard that vanilla extract repels a variety of pests. While this has been confirmed to be true, it is important to understand exactly how vanilla extract can help you deal with horseflies and decide if this natural alternative is right for you.
  1. Vanilla and Horseflies

    • According to the "Star Tribune," vanilla does in fact repel horseflies. You can apply it to the face in order to avoid painful bites. However, typical, store-bought vanilla extract is not sufficient. This is because such extract is mixed with other ingredients, like corn syrup. This lower concentration dilutes the effect. If you plan to apply vanilla to repel horseflies -- or any of their unpleasant counterparts -- you need Mexican vanilla extract, which is a much purer form.


    • The problem with vanilla extract is that it does not last very long on its own. The "Star Tribune" explains that it needs to be reapplied every 30 minutes. This is definitely an inconvenience. Eve McClure, vice president of Quantum, a natural repellent company, explains that no natural repellent can provide the same effective protection as synthetic products containing DEET.


    • Consumers can purchase an array of sprays with vanilla as a main or partial ingredient. According to the "Los Angeles Times," however, buyers should exercise caution. Since the individual substances in the repellent are considered safe on their own, they do not undergo proper testing to ascertain their effectiveness. Scott Carroll of Carroll-Loye Biological Research Consulting states that these products, although initially effective, can last as little as five minutes or as long as three hours.


    • The main selling point when it comes to vanilla as a repellent is that it is natural, or "organic." With this in mind, it is no surprise that environmental enthusiasts will be happy to choose vanilla and its associated products over synthesized, toxic repellents. Using natural substances, such as vanilla extract, to keep bugs away is a matter of personal choice.

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