Things You'll Need
Cut the 2-liter bottle in half, roughly one third of the way down from the top. Set aside the top half for later.
Add several inches worth of water in the bottom of the bottle. Add several drops of dish soap to the water, and stir it around gently. The dish soap will help kill the wasps that become trapped.
Wrap the end of the fishing line with the hook on it around the mouthpiece of the bottle. Secure it there with the duct tape. The line should be long enough such that when the top of the bottle is inverted into the bottom, the hook is suspended no more than an inch or two above the water.
Attach the meat to the hook. Change the meat every few days, as hornets do not like rotten meat.
Invert the top of the bottle into the bottom half of the bottle, so that the meat is hanging above the water.
Puncture two holes in either side of the top of the trap with the knife. Thread the string through either hole, and tie both sides off. Loop the string over a convenient branch or similar object in the area where you want to attract queen wasps. Set the trap in late winter and early spring, or whenever flying insects first start appearing. This is when queen wasps will be active and building new nests.