Tent fumigation is a mass extermination method of eliminating termites. A licensed fumigator comes to your home and covers it in tarps -- or tents -- to seal it off. He then makes sure that pets, food, drinks and prescription drugs are cleared out, since the fumigation process can poison these items. The fumigator introduces a poisonous gas, such as Vikane, into the building to kill off the termite population.
Benefits and Drawbacks
One major benefit to using tent fumigation is that it kills virtually every termite in your home. If your house is severely infested, eliminating termites in one quick sweep can prevent a great deal of potential damage. On the other hand, such a process is more expensive than a can of spray. Additionally, tents are not as convenient, because they require you to vacate your house until the fumigator certifies that it is safe.
Termite spray is a common, commercially available product that any homeowner can use. It can be in foam, liquid or fumigant form. If you notice a group of termites or a termite nest in a specific area of your home, apply the spray to the area. This toxic cocktail will be lethal to any nearby termites.
Benefits and Drawbacks
Termite spray is much less costly than general tent fumigation. If you notice termites early on, this method can stop the problem before it spreads, saving you the trouble and expense of a fumigator. However, this spray, although localized, can be toxic to you and your pets. With fumigation, all residents and pets must leave the home, so there is no chance of exposure. If you rely on termite spray for too long, you may ultimately spend more money at your local hardware store than you will with one mass treatment.