Damage to Structures
Termites thrive on wood because cellulose provides their main source of nutrients and food. It also acts as housing and shelter as termites create tunnels through wood structures. A small termite infestation can quickly grow and compromise the structural integrity of a building, eventually rendering homes unsafe and uninhabitable. These pests always remain efficiently concealed, which is why discovery of infestation is often already too late to save the structure of the home. For these reasons, homeowners and businesses hire exterminators to destroy colonies, often at a cost thousands of dollars.
Damage to Other Property
Termites do not just feed on wood; the cellulose they need is present in paper, cloth and plastics. Infestations are responsible for an estimated $30 billion in damage in the U.S. alone. According to the New York Daily News, termites even go after money itself: the Bank of India reported that termites damaged $222,000 worth of rupee notes.
Damage to Health
Termites can be health hazards. They can carry fungi within their tunnels that cause SBS (sick building syndrome), usually causing only minor discomfort and irritation to humans living or working nearby. Symptoms of SBS include frequent headaches, skin rashes, chronic asthma; SBS poses greater risks over time because of the neuroactive mycotoxins that attack the nervous system.
You can eliminate termites from your home by using commercial pesticides, but this is often only a temporary fix; many pesticides do not destroy the eggs. Many commercial products also don't effectively reach into the smaller recesses of a house, where termites commonly thrive. Professional exterminators tend to be the best solution to termite infestations, despite the high cost.
Termites typically infest moist areas of homes. To prevent termite infestation, a basement should be built with a concrete slab containing no holes for potential termite entrance. According to a paper released by the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln, about 90 percent of termite infestations originated from a wood structure that has contact with soil. To protect a home from an infestation, a homeowner must eliminate the contact between the ground and the wooden structure of the house. This can be done by laying down concrete floors and walls in basements.