Things You'll Need
Brew some chamomile tea, and place the warm, wet tea bags directly on your canary's legs for about two minutes. This will loosen up the scaley mites and help soothe the birds skin.
Apply some petroleum jelly to your canary's legs several times a day to suffocate the mites. Use a cotton swab to gently apply it several times a day. Reapply the gel every three or four days for two weeks to make sure the mites are dead.
Remove the scales off your canary's legs once they begin to heal. Use a warm wet washcloth to gently pull the scales away. If they do not come off easily, then allow to fall off independently.
Spray your canary's cage with a mite spray to kill any mites that are hiding in the cracks and crevices of the cage. You can purchase some mite spray from your local pet store.