Things You'll Need
Remove the spider from the web area using a broom. The bristle end of the broom is large enough to hold the spider. Move the spider to another location or set the broom on the ground. Take a large plastic container and set it over the spider. Quickly turn the bristle end of the broom over so the container is sitting on the ground and the broom is on top. Shake the broom to dislodge the spider and place the lid on the container. Poke holes in the lid with a pin for air.
Knock down the web with the broom. Get all of the web by sweeping the bushes or surrounding area with the broom. This discourages the return of the spider.
Spray plant-safe insecticide on and around the plant.
Release the spider in an area away from your home. Banana spiders prefer fields or areas with a lot of brush.
Change your exterior lighting. Insects attract banana spiders, and light attracts insects. Use sodium vapor bulbs in outside lights. Sodium vapor bulbs do not attract as many insects. Turn off any lights that are not in use.