Things You'll Need
Set up a water container. You can use a heated ten-gallon aquarium, but you will have to provide bloodworms and very small fish for the naiads to eat. A better choice might be a half-barrel planter or even a small wading pool outdoors. The optimal choice is a pond with at least 20-foot diameter. If you construct a pond, a varied depth will be preferred as it helps provide cover. You will want to select a location that receives midday sun and is protected from winds.
Capture naiads in an outdoor pond and bring them in if you are using a ten-gallon aquarium. If you are establishing an outdoor water feature, the dragonflies will come to the proper habitat on their own. The adult dragonflies may drop their eggs into the water feature in mid-flight. To do this, the male holds the female protectively in flight so that she will not be attacked by predators. Other varieties insert their eggs into the stems of water-plants, while still others drop them into the water from a twig, moss or a rock surface. You should have rocks available above the water for basking, extending into the water for underwater shade and shelter from predators.
Plant water lilies so that the lily pad can provide shade and keep algae at bay. Plant life is critical to the dragonfly habitat. The naiads rest on plants under water and use them to emerge from the water at maturity. Plants also help the naiads hide from predators. The plantings need to extend above the water so that when the naiads mature they can crawl out of the water. The naiad will split its skin and emerge as a dragonfly, clinging to a twig or plant while the new wings dry.
Set captive adult dragonflies free. They will need to fly freely to capture insects and to find mates. An excellent method of maintaining dragonflies in your outdoor pond area is to plant a wildflower plot nearby. Wildflowers will attract local insects which will then draw the dragonflies to your pond habitat. Providing a habitat for the entire life cycle of the dragonfly is by far the best method of taking care of these fascinating fliers.