Things You'll Need
Fill a 20 oz. plastic spray bottle with 14 oz. of distilled water and 6 oz. of extra virgin olive oil from your kitchen. Shake the bottle thoroughly for a minute.
Spray the solution over the matted spot on your poodle, saturating the fur. Wait a minute or two for the olive oil solution to soak into the matted fur, loosening it naturally with it's moistening oil.
Use a fine-toothed comb to brush the matted hair downward, starting at the ends of the hair and working your way up through the knot. This will loosen the matted hair or make the hair easier for you to cut if the tangle is too difficult to brush.
Pull the matted section of hair from the dog's body slightly by combing through the ends of the matted hair and keeping it in the teeth of the comb. Pull the hair away from the body to where the skin of the dog stretches slightly without harming your pet.
Aim the tip of the tiny hair scissors toward the hair near your poodle's skin. Snip the hair connected to the matted clump of hair. This should release the knot so you can dispose of it.