Hobbies And Interests

How to Kill Sawflies

Sawflies are an invasive species that attack foliage and agricultural lands harvested for food, such as wheat and barley, which are among their favorite crops to feed on. Scientists argue whether sawfly species are native to the U.S. or whether they have spread from China where sawflies do similar damage to crops. There are no approved insecticides for sawflies, as broad-spectrum insecticides may also damage populations of beneficial insect species. But there are methods of discouraging future populations from invading and destroying wheat fields.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-host plant seeds
  • High pressure water spray
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      Spray existing crops with a high pressure water hose if this is possible. Some larva, such as that of the pear sawfly, may be washed off existing plants.

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      Plant spring wheat crops late. Sawflies are damaging new species of wheat as the flies are appearing nearly a month earlier than previously recorded. Sawflies are appearing early enough to attack spring wheat while it is still vulnerable. Late planting may prevent this overlap.

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      Rotate your normal wheat crop with a non-host plant such as canola. This may prevent sawflies from establishing an annual breeding ground. This will only be effective if there are no other wheat or barley fields nearby.

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