Wild Cherry Tree Leaves
Tent caterpillars, especially the Eastern variety, prefer feasting on wild cherry tree leaves. These leaves can be placed directly in the caterpillar's habitat for ingestion. Keep in mind that caterpillars love fresh leaves, not dried leaves, so be sure to replace the leaves every day or two.
Other Ornamental Fruit Tree Leaves
While tent caterpillars prefer to forage on wild cherry tree leaves, they will gladly eat other types of other ornamental fruit tree leaves, such as apple, pear, peach, plum and crabapple. If you do not have access to an ornamental fruit tree, consider growing your own to provide food for your caterpillar. Research your area to find the best ornamental fruit tree for your area. For example, wild cherry trees need a location that does not have a long summer and also freezes during the winter, making these trees more suitable for a northern climate.
Shade Tree Leaves
In regions of the country where ornamental fruit trees are not prevalent, these caterpillars will eat many types of shade tree leaves, such as oak, ash, birch, poplar and willow. These types of trees are common in most parts of the country and will be easily accessible to gather leaves for the tent caterpillar.
Gum Tree Leaves
Gum trees such as black gum and red gum are also present throughout most of the United States. The leaves of this tree offer a great nutritional food source for tent caterpillars.