It may be illegal where you live to use a self-defense spray other than one that contains oleoresin capsicum at two percent concentration. Find out if you are allowed to use a self-defense spray other than pepper spray in the jurisdiction in which you live, before you use it.
If you use wasp spray against someone who is attacking you, be aware that you are using the product "off label," which means that is it not being used for its intended purpose. If you seriously injure another person as the result of using wasp spray, you could be held responsible because it is not legal to use this product in this particular way. Check the labels on a can of wasp spray. It may say that is it illegal to use this product for self-defense and that it is a punishable offense.
Its Purpose
Pepper spray is designed for use on humans; whereas wasp spray has not been tested on humans, so its impact is not known. Wasp spray is intended to be used against wasps, not people.
Wasp spray has a range of up to 25 feet and it can stop an attacker, much like pepper spray or mace does. Pepper spray is also known as OC spray; which stands for oleoresin capsicum. Wasp spray causes irritation to the eyes, as well as to the skin. If inhaled, it can cause blurred vision, headaches, nervousness, giddiness and nausea.
When you are using wasp spray for its intended purpose, spray the wasp nest in the morning or early evening when the insect is not active. The spray has a long range, so you don't have to get too close to the nest. Do not stand underneath the nest. The wind should be at your back. Spray the wasp nest until it is completely saturated. Wait a day before removing the nest, advises