Things You'll Need
Empty the trough and water your animals in the barn for a few days. If the infestation is still light, the bees will go elsewhere for water.
Locate the bee colony. If there are many bees coming to your water trough, there is likely a bee hive nearby.
Place a new water trough close to the bee colony and in a place where your livestock cannot reach it. This gives the bee colony a new source of water that they will go to instead of your water trough. Add a few cups of sugar to the new trough to encourage them to venture there instead. To improve your chances of success with this method, remove the original trough to the barn for a few days as well, allowing the bees to establish themselves at the new watering location.
Contact a local beekeeper and have the bees removed to another location. This keeps the bees alive and working as pollinators while still keeping them from your property.