Things You'll Need
Place the cocoon on a small piece of paper towel in an enclosed container that is a minimum of 11 inches high and 11 inches in width or diameter. The enclosure must have good air circulation but should not be open on any side to prevent escape. If the container has tight fitting lid, use a knife to cut small air holes across the top of the enclosure.
Place a branch or stick in the housing enclosure to give the moth a place to hang and dry its wings once it has emerged from the cocoon.
Use a plant sprayer to spray the cocoon habitat very lightly with unchlorinated water every other day. Do not aim the spray directly on the cocoon, or allow the cocoon to get too wet.
Release the moth into a shady spot a day after it emerges from the cocoon, which should be approximately two to four weeks after placing the cocoon in the container.