Fireflies range from 4 to 18 mm with soft, dark-colored bodies and heads with distinctive red banding. Fireflies live in the larvae state, known commonly as a glowworm, for one to three years and burrow underground to hibernate during the winter. An adult firefly typically lives for three to four weeks.
The process of light production in fireflies is known as bioluminescence. The luminous area is located on the stippled part of the lower abdomen. Fireflies commonly use this luminescence to court a mate. Males fly above the ground flashing their light, and females on the ground mimic the pattern. Tropical fireflies, particularly in Southeast Asia, often synchronize their luminescence. While the true intent is unknown, researchers believe it may be linked to diet or social interaction. The light is caused by a chemical reaction of oxygen, calcium, adenosine triphosphate and the enzyme luciferase. Colors can be yellow, green or pale red.
Firefly larvae and adults can be predatory or vegetarian, depending on the species. Vegetarian fireflies rely on plant pollen for sustenance. Predatory fireflies both at the adult and larvae stages prey on snails, earthworms, slugs or other ground dwellers. This is accomplished by injecting their prey with digestive enzymes that paralyze and break down the bodies, then consuming the liquefied remains.
Attracting Fireflies
Fireflies are a wonderful addition to the backyard during the summer evenings and may be attracted using a few tips. Cut down or eliminate using chemicals on the lawn. Reduce or eliminate artificial lighting at night. Lighting interferes with the fireflies' luminous signals, making it harder for them to find mates. Gardens may attract both vegetarian and predatory fireflies from the plant pollen or the ground creatures typically often found in those areas.