Jumping Spider
Jumping spiders that are native to Florida are small in stature and usually under 15mm in length. They are easy to identify by their three rows of eyes and the quickness in which they move. Jumping spiders, which are part of the Salticidae family, are sometimes referred to as salticides. Jumping spiders do not make webs. They do their hunting on the ground and pounce on their prey at the right moment. They are usually brightly colored and can be found on or around buildings.
Crab Spiders
Crab spiders are found in Florida and are normally only 5mm to 10mm in length. They are called crab spiders because they hold their legs like crabs. Instead of making webs, crab spiders lurk on flowers and foliage to ambush unsuspecting prey. Crab spiders are usually colorful and try to camouflage themselves inside the flowers and leaves that they live on. Crab spiders are visually striking and can be found around trees, plants and flowers.
Spiny Orb-Weaver
The spiny orb-weaver has very distinct features. Not only is a spiny orb-weaver colorful, the dorsum of its abdomen looks like a shell-like structure. The dorsum is geometrically shaped and usually displays uniform designs. It also has spike-like ridges that extend from the dorsum. The colors, display and spikes are used to intimidate would be predators. Female spiny orb-weavers measure between five and 10mm in length, while the males reach 10 to 14mm. They use webs to catch prey and spin tufts of silk to prevent birds from flying through their webs.
Green Lynx Spider
As with some other families of spiders, the green lynx females are usually larger than the males. The females can reach 20mm in length while the males rarely grow beyond 12mm. The green lynx is commonly found on shrubs, foliage and weeds. It has a bright, fluorescent green body with red spots and white markings that make it easy to recognize. Green lynxes have long, slender legs that are covered with black spines at the intervals. They do not spin webs but will anchor themselves with silk when needed. The green lynx has excellent eyesight and hunts its prey during the day.