Things You'll Need
Place a drone foundation in each of your hives. Because of the large hexagonal shapes on this specially-made foundation, the bees will only produce drone comb. Since the mites are attracted to drone brood more than worker brood, the mites will gravitate toward this foundation. After the drone cells are capped, remove the foundation from the hive, stick in in a garbage back and put it in your freezer overnight. This will kill the mites that are on the frame. Scrape the cells open and stick the foundation back in your hive; the bees will clean it off (dead mites and all) and use it again. Repeat as often as necessary.
Sift powdered sugar twice or until it is lump-free. It's best to do this in low humidity.
Funnel sugar into the container.
Smoke and open your hives.
Remove each frame, one at a time, and dust your bees with the sugar. Try not to dust open cells.
Dust a bit of sugar along the top bars of your hives. Repeat weekly for two or three weeks, or as necessary.